Getting your car serviced on an annual or bi-annual basis, you are saving the risk of your car suffering from a major fault. Spending a small amount on these annual checks could save you spending a large amount if something major happens, as we can find the minor issue before it becomes a big one.
Every system leaks gas at a rate of 10 to 15% each year, and if this isn’t treated the fuel economy is affected every time the system is run. If it remains untreated, it will cost you more long term, as the compressor has to work much harder than it should to get the fuel to the right temperatures when the gas level is low. It will use more fuel doing this, and it also increases the chances of a component failure as well.
To check to see which gas your car uses, you will either find it around the edge of the engine bay, or on a label on the underneath of the bonnet. We cater for the following gases:
R134a - The most commonly used gas in vehicles across the United Kingdom. It has been used since 1993 but is being used less frequently in newer cars. This gas will eventually be phased out.
R1234yf - A gas used by some manufacturers since 2014, this is the newest gas to be used in cars.
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